Recent Water Damage Posts

Equipment Involved In Water Damage Restoration

6/6/2024 (Permalink)

SERVPRO of Central Oklahoma City has the right equipment to help you take back control of your life.

Following a water loss, it’s always a good idea to have professionals assess and restore your damaged property in a timely manner to avoid any additional damage. SERVPRO of Central Oklahoma City is your go-to when you need professional restoration services for water damage to your home or business. With our fast response rate and state-of-the-art equipment, we’ll have your property back to normal in no time. After our initial inspection of the damages our expert technicians will compose the most effective plan that includes all kinds of equipment to extract water, dry contents, and clean your space. Here is an overview of the equipment we use for water damage restoration:

Detection Equipment: This equipment helps locate the areas of the structure affected by water and define the extent to which the structure and contents have absorbed moisture. Moisture detection devices are also used to verify that an environment has been dried thoroughly. These devices include:

  • Moisture sensors: detects moisture in carpets, baseboards, and walls.
  • Moisture meters: determines the actual moisture content of various materials.
  • Thermohygrometers: measures temperatures and relative humidity

Extraction Equipment: This is the most effective way to remove moisture from a structure. Equipment in this category includes:

  • Extractors: used to clean carpets and upholstery and to remove water from floors.

Air Moving Equipment: Air Movers are used to enhance evaporation at the surface level to reduce drying time. As airflow at the surface level increases, the moisture in the air increases which is then eliminated by the use of dehumidification equipment.

Dehumidification Equipment: Dehumidifiers work by extracting water vapor from the air to lower the relative humidity which in turn increases the rate of evaporation. They pull in the moist, humid air, and then discharge dry, warm air. There are two types of dehumidifiers:

  • Refrigerant dehumidifiers: work similarly to air conditioners.
  • Desiccant dehumidifiers: use chemicals, called desiccants, to absorb moisture from the air.

Deodorization Equipment: Work to get rid of lingering odors. The different types of equipment are:

  • Ultra low volume (ULV) foggers: atomize liquid deodorizing agents, producing a fine mist that penetrates sites where odor-causing residues accumulate. This device can also be used to inject fungicides and disinfectants into wall cavities and other hard to reach places.
  • Thermal foggers: dispense solvent-based products in large volume, dense fogs suitable for confined areas. The fog consists of tiny particles of deodorant solution that pair with and neutralize odor-causing particles.

With our advanced techniques and state-of-the-art equipment described above, SERVPRO of Central Oklahoma City will have your home or business back to normal in no time following  water damage events. Call us anytime, we’re available 24/7 to assist you.

Contaminated Water Must Knows

5/30/2024 (Permalink)

Contaminated water requires professional attention to avoid serious illness that could be life threatening.

Water damage in your home or business caused by scenarios such as sewage back-up or toilet overflow are considered emergencies due to contaminated water that may be carrying bacteria, viruses, or harmful microbes. Contaminated water can cause serious illnesses, which is why it is important to understand what is considered contaminated water and how to go about fixing the damages caused by it. Contaminated water can be classified by three different categories, here is some information about each category.

Category 1:

Contaminated water in this category is typically from a clean source such as a broken water supply line or leaking faucet. But even though it comes from a “clean source”, if it is not taken care of in a quick and efficient manner, it can easily progress to a category 2 or 3 depending on the length of time, temperature, and contact with surrounding contaminants.

Category 2:

This category involves contaminated water that could cause discomfort or illness. Examples of this include washing machine overflow; toilet overflow containing urine, but no feces; or dishwasher overflow. Contaminated water in this category may contain bacteria and viruses and will progress to a category three if left untreated.

Category 3:

Water in this category is grossly contaminated and could cause severe illness or death if ingested and any contact should be avoided completely. Examples of this include flooding from rivers or streams, water from beyond the toilet trap, water from the toilet with feces, or standing water that has begun to support microbial growth. Contaminated water in this category may contain untreated sewage, harsh chemicals, and microbes.

If you experience water damage of any kind, especially from situations that could contain contaminated water, call SERVPRO® of Central Oklahoma City. We have the specialized training and equipment to quickly and safely remove contaminants and clean the affected areas. In the case of any water damage, we will inspect your home or business upon arrival to determine the best plan of action for the type of water encountered. SERVPRO of Central Oklahoma City understands how important it is to restore your property after experiencing water damage and is available 24/7 for an immediate response.

Fighting Against Water Damage This Spring

5/14/2024 (Permalink)

Heavy rainfall can lead to water damage if your property is not prepared

With spring in full swing, so is storm season. In an attempt to minimize the potential for your property to be affected by water damage, SERVPRO of Central Oklahoma City® has compiled a mix of strategies and tips to keep your home or business safe this spring and guidance of what you should do if you experience water damages.

Preparing Your Property:


One of the most important steps in preparing your property for water damage is ensuring you have the right insurance to help you face potential damage. According to the Insurance Information Institute, different types of water damage is insured by different policies. For example, insurance policies such as homeowner’s insurance and renters insurance offer coverage for water damage due to burst pipes, wind driven rain damage to your roof, and generally any water damage that comes from the top-down. However, most of the time these policies do not include coverage for sewage and drain backups and is something that can be added on to your existing policy. When it comes to flood damage, there is a separate insurance policy specifically tailored to this event which can be purchased from the Federal Government’s National Flood Insurance Program or other select private insurers. Checking with your insurance provider about what is and isn’t covered in your current policies is a key step in preparing your home or business for potential water damage this spring.

Reinforcements & Assessment: 

Another crucial step in preventing water damage to your property is to reinforce your home or business by confirming all maintenance is taken care of and up to date and assessing the property to check for cracks, leaks, or potential drainage issues that could cause water to intrude your space. Prioritizing places such as the windows, roof, gutters, doors, and any entryway leading directly from outside is essential during this step.  

Along with these precautionary measures, it is also beneficial to create a personalized Water Damage Prevention plan. The Article “Home and Water Damage Prevention: Protecting Against Leaks and Flooding” provided by includes a detailed guide for you to follow to help with the process of creating a water damage prevention plan.

If Your Property Experiences Water Damage:

Even after adequately preparing your property for potential water damage, there's always a possibility that you will still face disaster. Knowing where to turn after experiencing a water damage event can save you time and stress. In the event of a water damage emergency, contacting professionals such as SERVPRO of Central Oklahoma City is the best response. At SERVPRO of Central Oklahoma City, our restoration experts are prepared and available 24/7 to assist all of your water damage restoration needs. Upon arriving at the scene, we will conduct an inspection and water damage assessment to understand the severity of damage, hazards that could be present, and determine what can be restored. Following our initial inspection and assessment, we will continue with the restoration process which includes water removal, damaged material removal, cleaning, sanitizing, and deodorization, along with drying processes, monitoring, and the needed repairs or reconstruction. With our knowledgeable technicians and state-of-the-art equipment, no problem is too complex for us to conquer. As the #1 choice in clean-up and restoration services, you can trust SERVPRO of Central Oklahoma City to restore your home or business quickly and efficiently if you experience water damage this Spring. Visit our website to learn more about our water damage restoration services.

Navigating Through Water Damage Restoration in Oklahoma City

2/13/2024 (Permalink)

Navigating Through Water Damage Restoration in Oklahoma City

A Beacon of Hope in Times of Water Crisis

In Oklahoma City, where the weather can turn at the drop of a hat, the threat of water damage looms large over homeowners and businesses alike. Be it due to heavy rainfall leading to flooding, or the unforeseen burst of a pipe, water damage can wreak havoc on the sanctity of your property. This is where SERVPRO of Oklahoma City steps in, offering a lifeline with our unmatched water damage restoration services.

Immediate Response to Water Emergencies

Understanding the critical nature of water damage, SERVPRO ensures a rapid response at all hours. Our 24/7 emergency services mean that we are just a call away, ready to dispatch our team of highly trained technicians to your doorstep. Upon arrival, we assess the situation with precision and begin the restoration process without delay, aiming to mitigate further damage and start the journey back to normalcy.

State-of-the-Art Water Extraction and Drying

The cornerstone of our water damage restoration process is our advanced water extraction and drying techniques. Utilizing the latest in technology, we efficiently remove water from your property, tackling not just the symptoms but the root cause of the damage. Our goal is to prevent future problems, ensuring a thorough cleanup and drying process that paves the way for effective restoration.

Specialized Structural Drying for Long-Term Protection

Water damage often goes deeper than the surface, affecting the structural integrity of your property. SERVPRO is adept at identifying and addressing these hidden issues. We collaborate closely with you to devise a comprehensive drying and repair strategy, employing specialized techniques to ensure your property is completely dry and secure before we consider our job done.

Why Oklahoma City Chooses SERVPRO

With over 50 years in the restoration business, SERVPRO's expertise in water damage restoration is unparalleled. Here's why we stand out:

  • Experience: Our extensive history in the field equips us to handle any challenge, no matter the scale.
  • Customer Service: At SERVPRO, we prioritize your peace of mind. Available around the clock, we're here to answer your questions and provide the support you need.
  • Quality of Work: We're committed to restoring your property to its pre-disaster glory, using cutting-edge equipment and techniques that guarantee satisfaction.

A Call to Action for Preparedness and Partnership

As residents of Oklahoma City, it's essential to stay prepared for water-related emergencies. Partnering with SERVPRO not only ensures a quick and efficient response to crises but also equips you with the knowledge and support to prevent future incidents. Remember, in the face of water damage, you're not alone. SERVPRO of Oklahoma City is your trusted ally, ready to restore, repair, and revitalize your property.

In Conclusion

Water damage can be a formidable challenge, but with SERVPRO of Oklahoma City, you have a partner equipped to face any storm. Our commitment to excellence, combined with our unwavering support for the communities we serve, makes us the go-to choice for water damage restoration in Oklahoma City. When disaster strikes, remember that SERVPRO is here to help, turning crisis into calm and damage into restoration.

Water Damage Prevention and Proactivity in Oklahoma City Guide for Residents and Businesses

1/30/2024 (Permalink)

Water Damage Clean-up - Oklahoma City

Oklahoma City, the heart of the Sooner State, is no stranger to water-related challenges. From heavy rains to unexpected plumbing issues, water damage can strike at any time. But fear not, OKC residents and businesses! By staying proactive and understanding prevention strategies, you can safeguard your properties against the havoc water damage can wreak.

Understanding Water Damage Risks in OKC

The Threat of Severe Weather

In Oklahoma City, the weather can be as unpredictable as the winning horse at the Remington Park Racing Casino. Thunderstorms and heavy rains, especially during the spring and early summer, can lead to flooding and water intrusion. It's crucial for residents and businesses near areas like the Oklahoma River or Lake Hefner to be particularly vigilant.

Plumbing and Infrastructure

Beyond the weather, the city's infrastructure and your own plumbing can be a source of water woes. Whether it's a burst pipe in Bricktown or a leaking water heater in Edmond, the consequences can be significant.

Proactive Measures for Water Damage Prevention

Regular Maintenance Checks

  • Inspect Your Plumbing: Regularly check pipes, faucets, and water heaters for signs of wear and tear. An ounce of prevention at the Paseo Arts District beats a pound of cure at a waterlogged home!
  • Gutter and Roof Maintenance: Keep gutters clean and ensure your roof is in good condition. This is particularly important in areas like Nichols Hills, where leafy streets can lead to clogged gutters.

Weather-Proofing Strategies

  • Flood Barriers and Sandbags: For businesses in lower-lying areas like near the Myriad Botanical Gardens, having flood barriers or sandbags on hand during the storm season can be a lifesaver.
  • Sump Pumps and Backflow Valves: Install sump pumps and backflow valves, especially if your property is in a flood-prone area.

Emergency Preparedness

  • Emergency Contact List: Have a list of emergency contacts, including a reputable water damage restoration service like SERVPRO.
  • Regular Drills and Training: For businesses, conducting regular emergency drills can ensure that your team knows what to do in the event of water damage.

When Water Damage Strikes: Immediate Actions

Despite all precautions, water damage can still occur. Here’s what to do:

  1. Safety First: Ensure the safety of everyone involved. Avoid electrical hazards and unstable structures.
  2. Stop the Source: If possible, stop the source of the water.
  3. Call for Help: Contact professionals like SERVPRO for immediate water damage restoration.
  4. Document the Damage: Take photos and document the damage for insurance purposes.

SERVPRO: Your Ally in Water Damage Restoration

SERVPRO stands out as a leader in water damage restoration in Oklahoma City. With our 24/7 emergency response, advanced water extraction and drying equipment, and a team of experienced technicians, we ensure effective and efficient restoration of your property.


  • Rapid Response: Our team is ready to respond swiftly, crucial for minimizing damage.
  • Advanced Techniques: We use state-of-the-art equipment to handle water extraction, drying, and restoration.
  • Local Expertise: Familiarity with OKC's unique challenges means tailored solutions for your property.

Stay Prepared and Protected

Water damage in Oklahoma City is a manageable challenge with the right preparation and response. By adopting proactive measures, staying vigilant during severe weather, and having a plan in place, residents and businesses can significantly reduce the impact of water damage. And remember, in times of need, SERVPRO is just a call away, ready to restore your property to its pre-damage condition.

Stay safe and dry, OKC!

Riding the Wave: Navigating the Intricacies of Water Damage Restoration

6/11/2023 (Permalink)

As the minutes roll by, water can seep into the structure of your property, leading to more extensive damage.

The sudden onslaught of water damage can leave anyone feeling overwhelmed. Whether it's caused by natural calamities or plumbing malfunctions, the swift and often unexpected nature of such incidents makes understanding the restoration process incredibly valuable. At SERVPRO, we aim to demystify this process and guide you through the essential steps to reclaiming your property from water damage.

Water damage restoration, as the name suggests, is a process of mitigating and restoring a property that has been subjected to water intrusion or flooding. It's not merely about extracting the visible water but involves an intricate series of steps designed to address both the immediate and long-term effects of water damage.

One of the most pressing concerns in the face of water damage is the ticking clock. As the minutes roll by, water can seep into the structure of your property, leading to more extensive damage. Structural elements like walls and flooring can absorb moisture, leading to weakening over time. Furthermore, the damp environment becomes a fertile breeding ground for mold and mildew, posing additional health risks. It's essential to promptly seek professional help to limit these escalating issues.

A reputable water damage restoration company like SERVPRO employs specialized equipment and techniques to address this damage efficiently. The restoration process begins with an assessment to understand the extent of the damage. Water extraction tools are then used to remove the bulk of the water from your property, after which drying, and dehumidification techniques come into play. These processes help eliminate residual moisture, averting mold growth and further structural damage.

Water damage doesn't just affect your property physically; it can leave behind odors and potential health hazards. That's why professional restoration also involves cleaning and sanitizing the affected areas, ensuring a safe environment for occupants.

The end goal of any water damage restoration process is to return the property to its pre-damage condition. This involves repairing any damages caused by the water and possibly redecorating the space to its former glory.

Choosing a professional for water damage restoration can save you time and potential financial loss, not to mention reducing the risk of health hazards associated with mold growth. By seeking professional help, you're not just salvaging your property; you're reclaiming your peace of mind.

The devastation of water damage can be immense, but understanding the restoration process can turn the tide in your favor. Remember, the sooner you act, the better your chances of mitigating the damage and reclaiming your property. Armed with this knowledge, you'll be better equipped to navigate the stormy seas of water damage restoration.

Tips for Avoiding Water Damage in Your Home This Summer

5/31/2023 (Permalink)

When water damage strikes your home

It doesn’t matter how big or small your property is, water damage is always incredibly damaging. Even if it feels warmer and drier, one thing to bear in mind during the summer season is water damage. Irrigation systems, summer storms, and a range of other factors can all pose potential hazards to your home. You can prevent more significant damage by taking measures and being aware of the main signs of damage. To learn more click the link below.

There are several signs of water damage all around the house that you should always be familiar with:

  • Discoloration. Water damage can be identified by streaks of water that are running down the side of your house.
  • Mold. Of course, mold can begin with a minor patch, which does not always imply water damage repair. However, you must act quickly before the problem worsens, especially because mold could also cause health problems.
  • Water puddles or pools.  If there is leaking or water is dripping, pools of water are frequently left.
  • Smell. Moisture has a distinct odor, which is frequently combined with the musky odor of mold.
  • Sound. Water damage will not always be visible, but it can certainly be heard, from dripping to rushing water.

Now that you’re aware of several of the signs of flood damage, let’s look into some of the preventative measures you can take.

  1. Inspect for water leakage in your house. There is really only one place to start, and that is by constantly checking for leaks. If you detect leaks faster, you can have them patched before they become larger issues.
  2. Clear out your gutters. You should clean your gutter systems on a frequent basis. A clogged gutter will send waves of water down the sides of your building, ruining your foundation as well as siding.
  3. Check to see if your yard is sloped. The yard should always slope at least 7 inches away from your property’s foundation. This is critical because it keeps water from getting close to your base, where it would cause leakages, fracture the walls, or start causing the walls to lean.
  4. If you are going on vacation, secure your property. If you plan to go on a summer vacation, you should seal up your property. The last thing anyone wants to discover while on a getaway is that a pipe has erupted and your living space has been ruined. Consider switching off the main supply shut-off valve and making sure all of your window panes, doors, as well as attic are tightly sealed.

Water damage requires immediate attention. If you discover any indications of flood damage, you should contact SERVPRO® of Central Oklahoma City quickly in order to make sure that the issue does not worsen. Our specialists will arrive with the knowledge and equipment necessary to restore your property as safely and quickly as possible.

Understanding the Difference Between Water Extraction and Water Mitigation

5/15/2023 (Permalink)

Whether it's cleaning, restoration, or construction, SERVPRO® of Central Oklahoma City is a one-stop shop for all your mitigation or restoration needs

SERVPRO® of Central Oklahoma City water extraction services are designed for significant events like natural disasters, roof leaks, burst pipes, drainage problems, sewage backups, and whatever devastating situation could result in water damage in your home. This process ultimately removes all the visible water, speeding up the drying process and preventing the risk of further structural damage. Water mitigation, on the other hand, is more of a professional cleanup done after the water extraction process. Water mitigation cleans, sanitizes, and dries out the property. This swift action minimizes water damage by removing unsalvageable contents, disinfecting, and removing nasty smells, as well as thoroughly drying the building structure.

The difference between the two processes is the order in which they come in and the role they play in water damage restoration. Water extraction comes first, followed by the water mitigation process.

Even the smallest amount of water can be destructive, which is why it is important that water extraction be carried out first. In contrast, water mitigation stabilizes the property, keeping its integrity intact and making it fully dry for repairs to take place.

Why Are Water Extraction and Water Mitigation Necessary?

Water mitigation and extraction stop further water harm to a structure. Both entail removing water while maintaining the structural integrity of the building. If not handled properly, water infiltration can seriously harm a building’s structural elements, such as the foundation, walls, and flooring.

For this reason, both water extraction and water mitigation are important. They both support building safety and guard against health and financial risks brought on by water damage.

Contact SERVPRO® of Central Oklahoma City Today

After experiencing water damage, your priority should be contacting SERVPRO® of Central Oklahoma City for water extraction services.Our team of expert technicians works effectively to restore homes and buildings affected by water damage to pre loss conditions. 

Step-by-Step Guide to Cleaning Up Water Damage in Your Property

3/27/2023 (Permalink)

Removing water quickly helps reduce drying time and helps prevent secondary damage to your structure and flooring.

Step 1: Identify the source of the water

In cleaning up water damage is to identify the source of the water. This will help you determine the type of water (clean, gray, or black) and the appropriate steps to take for removal and cleanup. Some common sources of water damage include broken pipes, leaking appliances, and flooding from heavy rainfall or storms.

Step 2: Extract and dispose of standing water. Once you've identified the source of the water, the next step is to extract any standing water and dispose of it properly. This will help prevent the water from spreading and causing further damage to your property. Use a wet/dry vacuum or a sump pump to remove standing water, and dispose of it according to local regulations.

Step 3: Dry out affected areas

After removing standing water, it's important to dry out any affected areas to prevent mold growth. Use fans, dehumidifiers, and air movers to circulate air and speed up the drying process. It's also a good idea to remove any wet materials, such as carpeting or drywall, that cannot be salvaged.

Step 4: Restore damaged items and surfaces

Once the affected areas are dry, you can begin the restoration process. This may involve cleaning and disinfecting any items or surfaces that were damaged by the water, such as furniture, clothing, and walls. If necessary, you will  need to hire SERVPRO of Central Oklahoma City to help with the restoration process.

The Basics of Water Damage

3/22/2023 (Permalink)

client had a toilet leak that caused water damage to the residential property, we quickly placed dehumidifiers to removed the remaining mositure

Water damage is a widespread issue that can be caused by many different causes. Pipes break, sinks and toilets overflow, roofs leak, and more can all lead to this problem.

When homeowners experience water damage, it’s essential they contact SERVPRO of Central Oklahoma City immediately. We’re specialists in cleaning up and restoring properties that have been affected by floodwaters.

Water damage restoration begins with an inspection and assessment. Whether due to a burst pipe or natural disaster, conducting an exhaustive examination is paramount in order to safeguard your home and personal belongings from further harm.

A comprehensive assessment can accurately measure the extent of water damage, identify potential hazards and craft a strategy to resolve them. It also serves as an essential step when filing insurance claims and scheduling repairs.

If you detect signs of water damage, don’t hesitate to contact a reliable restoration company like SERVPRO of Central Oklahoma City. We will guide you through the process of repairing your property quickly and effectively.

Once an initial assessment is conducted, SERVPRO will provide you with an assessment of damages and an estimate for cleanup and restoration costs. This information can be invaluable when dealing with insurance companies or contractors eager to begin work as quickly as possible.

Once the damages have been identified, technicians can begin to extract moisture. They may use equipment like air movers and dehumidifiers to expedite this process.

This process is necessary to prevent hidden mold growth from taking hold. Mold poses a serious health hazard, potentially leading to respiratory illness and allergies.

Water damage, if left unchecked, can have devastating effects on a structure and even lead to collapse. If left unchecked, water damage could potentially destroy everything in its path.

Water damage is one of the most hazardous scenarios that can happen to a residential or commercial property. Not only does it cause extensive structural damage, but also damages furniture and other belongings as well as opening the door for mold growth.

Clogged Toilet Can Cause Water Damage

1/26/2023 (Permalink)

A residential bathroom toilet is overflowing and causing water damage

When you think of overflowing toilets, you may picture a small flood confined to your commercial bathroom. However, if this type of overflow goes unnoticed, your commercial building could have much more extensive sewer damage. The unattended water may travel down walls and through ceilings to affect two floors or more. When this major destruction takes place, you need to call SERVPRO of Central Oklahoma City Equipped with the necessary safety apparatus and cleaning products, we can help transform these unhealthy environments back into clean, safe homes and offices..

  • Stop the flood. A flooded toilet may continue adding water to your building unless you cut off the water supply. Turning off the water may help minimize the damage or at least stop it from getting worse.
  • Tear out materials. Because you're dealing with sewer damage, any materials or furnishings that got wet may need to be removed and thrown away. This can include flooring, drywall, insulation and ceiling materials. These items often have to be tossed because sewage usually contains fecal matter, viruses, bacteria, chemicals and other potentially harmful contaminants.
  • Disinfect the space. Once the items that can be torn out have been, you need to make sure your commercial space is thoroughly cleaned. The cleaners used will depend on the type of surface getting cleaned, but any sewage company that often deals with this type of cleanup will have the cleaners and equipment needed to get the job done right.
  • Dry out the space. Putting dehumidifiers to work ensures your building is rid of excess moisture. If extra water remains, even in the form of humidity, you may have to deal with mold growth in the future.
  • Repair the damage. The final step in this cleanup process is repairing any of the damage that was done. If building materials were torn out, they need to be replaced to return your building to normal.

Sewer damage requires an extensive cleanup to ensure your building is safe for inhabitants. If you skip any important steps, you may have to deal with secondary damage sometime down the road

Getting Ahead of Laundry Room Leaks

1/24/2023 (Permalink)

laundry room basket and washer

You rely heavily on your washer and dryer to help maintain the cleanliness of you and your family. Unfortunately, a large number of homeowners are affected by water damage that started in the laundry room. Luckily, water damage that springs from this source is preventable in many such cases. Here are some SERVPRO of Central Oklahoma City tips for minimizing water damage that could result from your washer:

-Set up your laundry room thoughtfully and intentionally. Make sure that there are at least three or four inches between the wall and your washer to allow adequate room for the water supply lines without placing any unnecessary tension or strain on them.

-Do not start a load before leaving. Ideally, you (or someone else) should be present in the house while the washer is running just in case something does happen. That way, you can catch any mishap right away, and minimize potential damage and further complications.

-Check your washing machine water supply lines regularly. These supply lines are the number one cause of water damage in the laundry room. Examine these lines, noting if are any blisters, cracks, bubbles, or breakage in the line. If any type of damage is present, you should replace the line immediately (preferably with a braided stainless-steel flex line). However, the general rule of thumb is that if the line is badly worn, the washer probably is too.

-Perform routine maintenance on your washer. Regularly check your washer’s drain and drain filter to make sure that they can are free from debris. A clogged drain can swiftly cause large amounts of flooding. Additionally, you should consult your washer’s owner manual for the manufacturer’s recommendations regarding how often a plumber should inspect your appliance. This will allow you to replace and repair your washer’s parts before they break and cause a leak.

Hopefully, you found these tips helpful and are able to utilize some or all of them to protect your home. In the unfortunate event that this or any type of water damage does impact your home, SERVPRO of Central Oklahoma City is fully equipped to help make it "Like it never even happened."

When Water Damage Strikes Part 1

4/19/2022 (Permalink)

When you need professional service to repair water damage, SERVPRO® of Central Oklahoma City will be there to help.

Not sure what to expect from experts in the restoration industry after suffering water damage? Here is a step-by-step list of what you can expect.

The first 24 hours following a water loss are the most important in preventing secondary or permanent damage. Within four hours of receiving a loss notification, a SERVPRO® of Central Oklahoma City professional will be on-site to help ensure a water damage is handled by completing the following steps.

Inspection: Our professionals will inspect affected areas to determine the extent of water damage and will review the inspection with you to answer any questions before beginning the work.

Emergency services: We will take steps to help protect your home or business, as well as personal property and other contents, from further damage by extracting the excess water and preparing the area for drying. They will explain the needed emergency services to you step-by-step.

Monitoring: To help ensure your home or business and belongings are dried to appropriate industry standards, we will monitor the drying process. The updates will be consistently communicated with you.

Restoration: SERVPRO® of Central Oklahoma City professionals will repair structural materials, reinstall carpets, and clean affected areas of your property and contents. A final walk-through of the jobsite will be conducted with you to help ensure the property was returned to its preloss condition.

When Water Damage Strikes Part 2

4/19/2022 (Permalink)

Acting quickly by calling a SERVPRO® of Central Oklahoma City professional will ensure the damage is mitigated to professional standards.

Emergency water damage tips

• Shut-off the water source, if possible or contact a qualified SERVPRO® of Central Oklahoma City professional to stop the water source.

• Turn-off circuit breakers for wet areas of the building when access to the power distribution panel is safe from electrical shock.

• Remove as much excess water as possible by mopping and blotting.

• Place aluminum foil or wood blocks between furniture legs and wet carpeting.

• Move any paintings, art objects, computers, documents, and other sensitive valuables to a dry place.

• Do not enter affected areas if electrical outlets, switches, circuit breakers, or electrical equipment are exposed to water.

• Always avoid electrical shock hazards. Do not use your household vacuum cleaner to remove water! This could cause electrical shock or damage to the device.

• Do not turn on ceiling fixtures if the ceiling is wet or enter rooms where ceilings are sagging from retained water For more information on recovering from water damage, contact your local SERVPRO franchise professionals.

Why You Should Hire Restoration Specialists: Part 2

1/17/2022 (Permalink)

Part 2:

In part one, we covered several benefits of hiring restoration specialists to handle your water loss. These include the health and safety risks, efficiency, and potential for mold growth after a water loss. There are three more reasons why it’s in every owner’s best interest to use professionals when your property is damaged in a water loss:

  1. SERVPRO® of Central Oklahoma City is a leader in water cleanup and restoration. As a premier restoration company, we help to ensure your damage is mitigated according to industry standards. Our IICRC certified professionals will survey, inspect and assess the full scope of damage to not only mitigate but expose potential future damage as well. This wholistic approach ensures that your home is safe and sound so it’s “Like it never even happened.”
  2. Our technicians have access to professional equipment and the knowledge to use it. From special heaters to dehumidifiers to moisture meters, we will help to ensure that the job is done to industry specific standards. SERVPRO® of Central Oklahoma City is made up of a proven system of professionals and professional grade equipment that enables us to return your property to preloss condition in most cases.
  3. Finally, when we set up a containment area, we have already removed damaged materials and assessed which materials are salvageable. At SERVPRO® we work to restore rather than replace, whenever possible. This is not only better for the environment, but we know your property is both valuable and sentimental. And when your property is functional, you can get back to your daily routines and important business. Our teams are efficient, professional, and committed to quality.

Our knowledge, experience, tools, and techniques are why we are a leader in both residential and commercial water restoration. In times of chaos, SERVPRO® of Central Oklahoma City will expertly and quickly restore order and function to your property.

Why You Should Hire Restoration Specialists

1/13/2022 (Permalink)

So, you had a water leak, and you’re not sure if you can handle the job yourself or if your situation requires a team of professionals. There are many reasons why you should always have your property inspected by professionals after a water loss.

SERVPRO® of Central Oklahoma City utilizes the correct equipment and our professional knowledge and expertise to get the restoration process completed as quickly as possible, returning your home to pre loss condition in most cases.

Here are additional reasons why you should always hire professionals to mitigate water damage.

Part 1:

  1. Health and Safety: A professional company will assess if there is any contamination from gray or black water. They will also assess whether or not there is any microbial growth or mold, and remediate if detected.
  2. Efficiency: Our experts work quickly so you can get your schedule and routine back on track. Extending the time for remediation by hiring the wrong company or attempting to do it yourself will only further complicate an already uneasy situation.
  3. Mold: Mold is present after moisture has occurred. Whether it’s rain, burst pipes, ice dams that have leaked into a roof or even excessive humidity, the main culprit of mold growth is time. Mold growth can begin to occur within 48 hours of moisture's appearance.

Why Replace When You Can Restore?

7/23/2021 (Permalink)

Our motto is restore rather than replace, and we have a few reasons behind it.

Here at SERVPRO® of Central Oklahoma City, our motto is that it’s always better to restore than replace. 

Why do we believe this so firmly? Let’s first understand the difference between restoring and replacing. Restoring means to bring back to its original condition, while replacing means to substitute the original with an equivalent.

At first glance, replacing may seem like the way to go but we’re here to show you the raw benefits of restoration.

Restoration maintains the character.

Older houses and buildings oftentimes have iconic historic elements, whether it be vintage cabinets or doors. If these items are destroyed by a flood, any replacement you find will never compare to the original elements. By restoring these keepsakes, you’re able to preserve the look and feel of your home or business.

Restoration is cost-effective.

It may seem like replacing would save more money as you may have to purchase tools and products (or a service) to restore your home items, but in reality, restoration is much cheaper in the long run. You need to be critical when thinking of getting rid of a time that is made from older, more durable materials that have proven to last through the generations. When you replace an item, you will often be required to continue to replace it frequently over time.

Restoration takes less time.

Restoration happens as quickly as you want it to, as you’re taking the matter into your own hands. However, replacing items like windows or doors has a much slower turnaround and can take a few months until they’re made (and remember, you have to think of installation time too).

Restoration is better for the environment.

Restoration is a much greener solution as it reduces the amount of waste. Think of all the landfills that are packed with discarded doors, windows and cabinets that easily could’ve been restored.

All things considered, your return on investment is much greater when you restore items, especially when measured over a long period of time.

Call Us Today

Before you replace, give SERVPRO® of Central OKC a call 24/7 for any restoration needs: (405) 252-9400.

A Guide to Equipment Used in Our Water Damage Restoration Process

7/12/2021 (Permalink)

SERVPRO of Denton pulls back the curtain and explains the equipment it uses in its water restoration process.

You understand our water damage restoration process from one of our previous blogs, but have you ever wondered what equipment SERVPRO of Central Oklahoma City uses during this process and how it works?

Luckily, for you, we’ve compiled a complete guide to the equipment we use during the restoration process!

  • Moisture Detectors, Hygrometers and Other Meters: These are used in the third step of the resolution process — water removal and extraction. They measure the extent of moisture saturation in the space. 
  • Infrared Cameras: These are also part of the third step and are used to find the “hidden” or water that makes its way behind the walls and ceilings of your property.
  • Submersible and Gas-Powered Pumps: These use industrial strength to continuously pump high-level water out and help reduce drying time and prevent bacterial growth. They are also used in the third step.
  • Truck-Mounted and Portable Extraction Units: These are used in the third step to efficiently remove water from the property.
  • Industrial-Grade Dehumidifiers: These are used during the fourth step of the restoration process — drying and dehumidification. They help prevent less obvious water damage that doesn’t happen immediately, such as swelling or warping of floors, walls or furniture.
  • High-Speed Air Movers: These create a flow of air across the space including around walls, carpets, pads and furniture. It also helps accelerate moisture evaporation. This is used in the fourth step as well.
  • Industrial Air Grade Scrubbers and Fogging Equipment: These are typically used in the fifth step of the process — cleaning and sanitizing. They help mask odors from the former water damage.
  • Antimicrobial, Antibacterial and Disinfectant Treatments: All of these are used also in the cleaning and sanitizing stage to help disinfect the space and prevent bacterial and mold growth.

Thanks to SERVPRO of Central OKC, we can be sure that our properties can be safely restored in the event of water damage and that they know what they’re doing with this equipment.

Caring For Your Belongings After an Emergency

3/9/2021 (Permalink)

Standing water damage in a residential living room threatens to damage home electronics and other precious belongings.

SERVPRO experts understand that your home or commercial property is more than just a structure; fire, water, and storm damage can affect your belongings as much as they affect the structure itself.

So what do you do to care for your belongings after an emergency? The answer is multi-faceted.

Contents Restoration

First, with the help of SERVPRO of Central Oklahoma City experts, assess what items can be restored. Our teams can pretest your belongings to determine what can be restored via one of a handful of safe and effective cleaning methods.

They include:

  • Dry Cleaning - Used to clean light residues or to pre-clean items that will ultimately need a deeper cleaning.
  • Wet Cleaning - Used to remove moderate to heavy residues.
  • Spray and Wipe - Effective for items that cannot withstand wet or dry cleaning.
  • Foam Cleaning - Used for upholstery fabrics that might shrink or bleed if cleaned by other means.
  • Abrasive Cleaning - Involves deep scrubbing to create agitation of the surface being cleaned. 
  • Immersion Cleaning - Belongings are dipped into a bath of the cleaning product.

SERVPRO experts always seek to “restore” rather than “replace” whenever possible. This not only helps preserve your precious keepsakes but can also save you the money to replace items not covered by your insurer.

Learn more about our restoration cleaning methods.


Of course, some of your most vulnerable possessions when water damage strikes are your electronics, and water-damaged electronics can present a dangerous hazard in your home or commercial property. 

First and foremost do not attempt to turn on or operate any electrical device that you suspect has been damaged by water. Allow an expert to coordinate the restoration of impacted electronics like televisions, and computers. We work with qualified electronics technicians who are trained to safely clean and inspect your damaged electronics.

And when it comes to salvaging water-damaged electronics, time is of the essence. Those experts act swiftly, starting with a thorough cleaning of the exterior to prevent further corrosion and damage. However, to reiterate, urgency should never take precedence over personal safety. Our teams at SERVPRO of Central OKC are faster to any disaster, and we take calls 24 hours a day.

Documents & Photographs

Important documents and photographs should be handled with great care if damaged. Mishandling of these items can exacerbate damage beyond the point of restoration. 

While some documents might not be restored to perfect condition, SERVPRO experts can do a tremendous amount to minimize damage by employing a combination of…

  • Air Drying
  • Dehumidification
  • Freezer Drying
  • Vacuum Freeze Drying
  • Vacuum Thermal Drying

Learn more about our document restoration services.

Don’t Forget

At SERVPRO of Central OKC we understand the stress that comes with recovery from an emergency. Our experts can help ease the worry and confusion during the recovery process by offering our Contents Claim Inventory Service (CCIS).

Learn more about the Contents Claim Inventory Service.

Tell Me More: Water Damage Repair

2/22/2021 (Permalink)

Homeowners aim to limit water damage caused by a leak or burst pipe in their ceiling.

If you’re dealing with water damage in your home or commercial property, it’s important to remember that immediate action is crucial. The sooner you act, the easier mitigating damage and restoring your property will be. 

Call your local SERVPRO team at 888-888-8888 for 24/7 assistance in any water damage cases.

What exactly do we do? Allow us to explain.

The Process

When you call, you’ll be a specialist who will guide you through several questions that will help us address your water emergency faster and more efficiently. Like we said before, calling us as soon as you can upon identifying a water damage emergency is crucial to the restoration process.

We’ll arrive on-site with a team of Water Cleanup and Damage Restoration Technicians and Applied Structural Dying Technicians. The team will assess the situation to determine the extent of the damage and what steps are necessary to ensure a thorough, high-quality restoration of your home or commercial property. 

Next, we’ll bring in our powerful pumps and vacuums to remove hundreds or even thousands of gallons from your property, which helps prevent secondary water damage and mold growth. Then we’ll use specialized equipment to remove any remaining water before we begin drying and dehumidifying. 

Our experts use data like room measurements, inside temperature, and relative humidity to determine the proper number of air movers and dehumidifiers to dry your home or business. It’s a science, and one we know intimately.

We thoroughly clean all of the restorable items and structures damaged by the water, using several techniques we’ve perfected over the years. Our professionals are masters in sanitizing treatments and deodorizing your property.

Last comes the restoration, or the stage in the process in which we restore your home or business to its pre-water damage condition. This might involve minor repairs like replacing drywall or installing new carpet or warranting major repairs or even reconstructing an entire room. Whatever the situation necessitates, we’ve seen it before.

Don’t Forget

You can always reference our Water Damage Emergency Tips Guide for more info on what to do in a crisis.

Avoid Common Plumbing Issues

2/16/2021 (Permalink)

Toilets and drains tend to get blocked more often in commercial settings than in homes.

There are many unpleasant things that could bring business to a halt in your commercial property but leaking pipes and a puddle in the bathroom are some of the most annoying. One of the keys to avoiding plumbing issues in your property is preventative action against the most common problems.

Identifying Common Concerns

Naturally, it's best to identify the problems that tend to be common in Warr Acres, OK, and across the country:

Leaking pipes and faucets are very common. After all, there are a lot of pipes running through large buildings, supplying water to sinks, toilets, and drinking fountains.
Toilets and drains tend to get blocked more often in commercial settings than in homes. This sometimes happens because inappropriate items are flushed or sent down the drain.
It's often difficult to keep water temperatures within a comfortable range because there's a heavy demand for water.
Clogs, leaks, and other types of damage, such as a pipe break, often cause a foul odor that escapes from drains throughout the building.

Your property insurance agent is a good source of information about the plumbing problems that you are most likely to experience.
Avoiding Trouble
After you identify the issues with the highest risk factor, the next step is learning how to prevent these common problems:

Avoid leaks by regularly checking faucets and watching for slow drips. Visually inspect pipes for signs of cracks, rust, lime deposits, or moisture.
Avoid clogs and a toilet backup by providing flushable toilet paper, napkins, and towels. Provide an appropriate and convenient way to dispose of waste. Place hair traps in the sink drain.
It's important to find the right balance when it comes to water temperatures in commercial settings. This means carefully selecting the size of your water heater or heaters. You may also need to use a combination of thermostatic mixing valves and tempering. Don't forget to check the pressure valve on a regular schedule.

When you can't avoid plumbing issues and leaking pipes, contact water damage cleanup and repair technicians to get your business back to its original condition. Remember that an early response prevents widespread damage.

How Water Damage Affects Building Materials

1/15/2021 (Permalink)

Damaged wooden floor in an Oklahoma City, OK home

Any category of water damage ruins building materials. Damp drywall crumbles and swelling wood often becomes distorted. Find out more about the effects clean or contaminated water can have on the porous, semi-porous, and hard non-porous building materials used to build a home in Oklahoma City, OK.

Porous Building Materials

Porous materials absorb water. The level of contamination and exposure determine the extent of the damage. Several types of building materials get ruined by exposure to water:

  • Insulation
  • Drywall
  • Carpet

While being exposed to either clean or contaminated water undermines the effectiveness of insulation, other porous materials saturated with clean water from a supply line can be dried following water pipe repair. Contaminated water is the worst enemy of porous materials, as disinfecting any porous substance thoroughly can pose a challenge.

Semi-Porous Materials
Materials that are somewhat porous may be cleaned or restored with more or less ease depending on the level of contamination and extent of saturation. In these cases, it is important to make sure that disinfectant can penetrate beyond surfaces and eliminate mycelium, or the roots of mold growth. Swelling wood exposed to contaminated gray or black water may require extensive disinfection or need to be torn up and replaced.

Non-Porous Materials
Hard, non-porous materials are the most likely to stand up to any cleaning method. Restoration professionals use techniques ranging from blasting to immersion in cleaning solution paired with the application of ultrasonic waves to clean building materials and contents that are non-absorbent.
Assessing the porosity of materials is critical for determining the best approach to cleanup and restoration. Delicate porous materials such as insulation may be ruined by exposure to water. Swelling wood and certain other materials may be cleaned or disinfected if necessary and dried after exposure to clean or contaminated water from a pipe break, flood, or sewer backup at a residence in Oklahoma City, OK.

3 Tips for Managing Water Damage Cleanup

1/13/2021 (Permalink)

Water damage in a utility room

Is There Something You Can Do To Salvage Your Belongings?

You hear running water and when you go to investigate, you discover your washing machine pumping gallons of water all over your floor. You rush to the basement to turn off the water source, only to discover water pouring down the walls. What a disaster! Of course, the first thing you do is call the emergency line for your local water mitigation and repair company in Nichols Hill, OK. They'll be there within an hour, but you're thinking about the possible water damage to your house. 

1. Pick Up Items
If there are rugs or carpets in your laundry room that you can pick up, remove them. Weather depending, you may want to take them outside and drape them over a clothes line or a chair to let the water drain out. Shoes, bags, and pet gear, and especially anything that has color that can run, like books or magazines, should all be picked up and moved. Most things can hang to dry and won't suffer ill-effects from water damage, but a bag of dog food should probably be replaced since you don't want to run the risk of feeding your pet anything contaminated.

2. Sop Up Water
Once the floor is clear, you can concentrate on sopping up some of the standing water. A handful of towels or a mop may be enough to get the mess under control, or you may want to use a shop vacuum. While the mitigation team will be able to help with water cleanup, the sooner you can remove standing water, the better.

3. Prop Up Furniture
Broken pipes may have gotten the better of your washing machine but they don't have to claim your furniture, too. Use aluminum foil or small wooded blocks to raise furniture up off of wet floors, especially if it's carpeted. By doing this, you're protecting your furniture from prolonged water exposure.
You can expedite your recovery from water damage by taking steps to clean up even before help arrives.

Common Warning Signs of Mold

9/9/2020 (Permalink)

There are certain signs that you can train yourself to look out for so you can catch mold damage in its early stages.

In one of our previous blog posts, we reviewed some of the common causes of mold. Mold often accompanies water damage. This blog post will go over some of the common warning signs of mold so that you can call SERVPRO of Central Oklahoma City to come help you with your mold problems (and the associated water damage, if applicable) as soon as you have a suspicion.

Condensation on windows. High levels of condensation on windows could indicate that your home has a high level of humidity. Mold growth thrives in high humidity, so it is likely that mold could be growing somewhere in your home if the humidity level is already this noticeably high.

Odor. An odd, musty smell often accompanies mold. This smell is similar to that of damp clothes that have been left overnight in a dryer after the cycle completed. If you persistently notice this smell in your home, you may want to have your home checked for mold growth.

Water problems. Water damage is the leading cause of mold growth in buildings, as water creates ripe conditions for mold growth. Whether you had just a leak or full fledge flooding, you should have your home checked for mold growth. Regularly check leaky pipes or areas outside your home that tend to pool standing water for signs of outdoor mold growth.

Discolored walls or wallpaper. Mold can grow between your walls and wallpaper. If you notice that your wallpaper is beginning to display odd colors (particularly orange, pink, or purple) you may want to have your home assessed for mold growth.

If you suspect that your home may have any mold growth, call SERVPRO of Central Oklahoma City. We can check your property for early signs of  possible mold growth after water damage as well!  

Common Causes of Mold

8/21/2020 (Permalink)

Mold is highly contagious and can easily take over an area when the conditions are right.

No matter how clean a home you keep, mold will always be present in your home. Mold serves an important part in nature and does serve an important role when very low levels are present. However, when the conditions are just right, mold can thrive and take over an area, which can cause significant damage to your property. Here is a list of common causes of mold and some appropriate preventive measures that can be taken for each:

Leaking. Moisture attracts mold. That is essential to remember when working to prevent mold on your property. Leaks that can cause mold an occur in many places in your home. One such common cause of mold are leaking pipes. It is important to remember that your property is full of both visible and non-visible piping. Mold may be growing on an out-of-sight leak. Water could also be leaking into your house form an external source, such as rainwater that comes along with a storm. Regularly check your attic for structural damage and standing water, and keep an eye on the ceiling for signs of water damage.

Poor ventilation. When clean air is not properly entering your home and contaminated air is not adequately exiting your home, a number of complications can arise. This can create pockets of moist air, which is a condition that mold thrives in. This issue commonly occurs in kitchens or bathrooms, as activities carried out in these rooms often create large amounts of steam. Fans can help with ventilation by allowing the air to better circulate in the room. Keep all the appliances in each room well-ventilated by maintaining their vents, and keep your air filters clean in general.

Humidity. Your home can be exposed to humid conditions naturally due to the area weather or a particularly stormy season. Mold feeds off humidity, but humidity also prevents puddles and damp materials in your home (think laundry) from dying properly and thoroughly. These wet or damp places create ample opportunities for mold to grow and spread. If you used a humidifier in your home, be sure that your humidifier is running below 55%, as anything higher than that is the level needed for mold to start growing. Ensuring that your home is well-ventilated can help ensure that that the humidity level does not increase indoors.

SERVPRO of Central Oklahoma City is proud to offer mold remediation services. If you know you have a mold problem give us a call! If you suspect that their may be growth after water damage, we have several types of checks we can perform to assess the extent of the damage. Give us a call today at (405)252-9400 or submit an information form and we will get back to you shortly!

AC Water Damage in the Summer Months

8/7/2020 (Permalink)

Your air conditioner can provide much needed relief, but it can also cause much hassle if not properly maintained.

The hot summers that plague Oklahoma City are no secret. Thankfully, air conditioning allows home and businesses to maintain a comfortable temperature inside, regardless of how unpleasant the conditions outside may be. Unfortunately, air conditioners do have the potential to damage your home when they are not properly maintained. Here are some tips for keeping your air conditioner in good working condition, and some advice for what to do if you do suspect or see water leaking for your air conditioner:

-Inspect your air conditioner’s filter regularly, and clean it as needed. A large amount of water damage caused by air conditioning units is a result of a clogged air filter. Regularly cleaning and replacing your air filters may seem very inconsequential, but the amount of damage done by these can cause detrimental structural damage to your home or business. This structural damage could take the form of warped floors or sagging ceilings but could even cause the entire ceiling to cave in if the damage occurred over a long enough period of time.

-Check and clean your air conditioner’s condensation line. Check the entire length of the line for moisture and, while your conditioner is running make sure proper flowing is occurring. You should clean the condensation line every three to six months to ensure that there has not been a build up of debris. Clogged condensation lines are another leading cause of water damage caused by air conditioners.

-Make sure that you have enough refrigerant in your air conditioner. Low refrigerant can also cause your air conditioner to leak, as your air conditioner cannot function properly without it. Avoid potential water damage by regularly checking the amount of refrigerant in your unit, and keeping the level high enough for optimal functioning.

-Be on the look out for any leaks. Depending on a variety of factors such as the size of your property or the location of your air conditioner, maintenance and self-service of your unit could become something you forget it-out of sight, out of mind. Unfortunately, the longer a leak goes unnoticed, the worse the damage gets. Try setting outside time to glance at your unit at least once a week. Set an alarm on your phone, or jot a reminder in your planner or on your to do list. This is a very quick and easy task to complete, and can end up saving you a huge amount of money, time, and hassle in the long run.

Hopefully these tips were practical and applicable. In the event that you do experience water damage caused by your air conditioner or from any other source, SERVPRO of Central Oklahoma City is happy to provide our services to you. We work on both commercial and residential properties, so do not hesitate to contact us for more information. No job is too big or too small! We are here to help Oklahoma City!